Sunday, 2 August 2015

سوات کا 18 قسم کا سیب پیدا کرنے والا گاؤں- گوالیری

سوات کے مرکزی شہر مینگورہ سے محض 38 کلومیٹر کے فاصلہ پر واقع گاؤں گوالیری، سوات کے ان چند گنے چنے دیہات میں سے ایک ہے جو موسم گرما میں اپنے معتدل موسم کی بدولت اٹھارہ قسم کا مختلف سیب پیدا کرتا ہے۔ یہاں کا سیب ذائقہ میں نہ صرف اندرون ملک بلکہ بیرون ملک بھی یکساں مقبول ہے اور ہر 
جگہ یہ سوات کے سیب کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے۔
تقریباً تین مربع کلومیٹر پر مشتمل گاؤں گوالیری دو ندیوں مارکَرکَٹ اور ارنوہئی کے بیچ واقع ہے۔ سوات کے دیگر زرخیز دیہات کی طرح گوالیری میں ہر قسم کی سبزی، ساگ، گندم، جوار، پھلوں میں املوک، خوبانی، آلوچہ، شفتالو اور ناشپاتی سے لے کر انار اور انگور تک کی فصلیں پیدا ہوتی ہیں، مگر جس فصل کے لیے ’’گوالیریٔ‘‘ پورے ملک میں بالعموم اور صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا میں بالخصوص مشہور ہے، وہ 'سیب' ہے۔
گوالیریٔ کے ایک مقامی زرعی ماہر باچا نواب کے مطابق "یہاں سیب کی کل اٹھارہ قسمیں پیدا ہوتی ہیں جنہیں اہل علاقہ مختلف ناموں سے پکارتے ہیں۔ان میں کچھ علاقائی، کچھ قومی اور کچھ بین الاقوامی نام ہیں"۔ باچا نواب کے بہ قول’آمری'، 'شنہ' اور 'شیشہ' سیب کی تین ایسی قسمیں ہیں جنہیں بنا کسی خاص دیکھ بھال کے ایک سال تک کسی بھی جگہ اسٹور کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ ذکر شدہ تین اقسام باقی ماندہ پندرہ مختلف اقسام جن میں ہڑی، فرانسی، کنگ اسٹار، کشمیری، باسوٹی، سوٹہ، کالاکولا، رئیل گالا، سمریٹ، گالا ماس، مونڈی گالا، گاجرہ، ریڈ چپس، مالوچی اور وطنی شامل ہیں، کے مقابلے میں لانگ لائف پھل ہیں۔
ذکر شدہ تمام کی تمام اقسام ذائقہ کے لحاظ سے ایک دوسرے سے بڑھ کر ہیں مگر عام طور پر 'فرانسی سیب' اہل علاقہ کے ہر خاص و عام میں یکساں مقبول ہیں۔
گاؤں گوالیریٔ کو عام طور پر باغات یا پھلوں کا گاؤں کہا جاتا ہے۔یہاں سیب سے لے کر چیری تک ہر قسم کا پھل پیدا ہوتا ہے۔ یہاں کا دوسرا اہم ترین پھل شفتالو ہے جس کی تقریباً نو قسمیں یہاں پیدا ہوتی ہیں۔
یہاں کے ایک اور زرعی ماہر عبدالقدیم پچاس سال سے گاؤں کے باغوں میں پیوند کاری اور مختلف پھلوں کے درختوں کی تراش خراش کا کام کرتے ہیں۔ ان کے بقول یہاں آپ جو بھی پھلدار پودا لگانا چاہیں، لگا سکتے ہیں۔ اس کی زمین ہر قسم کے پھلوں اور فصلوں کے لیے موزوں ہے۔ ’’عام طور پر سبھی قسم کے سیب کے درخت گوالیری میں پائے جاتے ہیں،جن کی پیدوار ہم گرمیوں کے موسم میں حاصل کرتے ہیں۔ مگر اب امریکن ایپل جسے مقامی زبان میں ’’امریکی سیب‘‘ کہتے ہیں، ایک ایسا پھل ہے جس کی پیداوار سردیوں کے موسم میں حاصل کی جاتی ہے۔ سیب کی ہر قسم کا اپنا ایک الگ ذائقہ ہے لیکن فرانسی سیب کی بات ہی کچھ اور ہے۔
گاؤں کی کل آبادی 1165 افراد پر مشتمل ہے جس میں زیادہ تر کا کام کھیتی باڑی اور اپنے باغوں کی دیکھ بھال کرنا ہے۔ عبدالقدیم کے مطابق گاؤں چونکہ محدود ہے۔ اس لیے یہاں چھوٹے بڑے سب باغات کی تعداد بمشکل سو کے قریب ہوگی۔ 'گوالیری کے باغات کا سیب نہ صرف اندرون ملک پسند کیا جاتا ہے بلکہ کئی اقسام جن میں فرانسی، رئیل گالا اور سمریٹ وغیرہ شامل ہیں کو بیرون ملک بھی برآمد کیا جاتا ہے۔ ملک کے اندر اور باہر یہ سوات کے سیب کے نام سے مشہور ہے '۔
ماہ اگست میں سب پہلے 'سمریٹ' نامی سیب کا پھل پک کر تیار ہوجاتا ہے۔ عبدالقدیم کے مطابق 'سمریٹ کی چار قسمیں جنھیں ہم مقامی طور پر گلاسی، پلنہ سمریٹ، کچہ اور منڈہ گالا کے ناموں سے پکارتے ہیں۔ ان اقسام میں واحد منڈہ گالا کو یہ امتیاز حاصل ہے کہ اس کے ایک پھول سے بسا اوقات بارہ عدد تک پھل پیدا ہوتے ہیں جو کہ رنگ میں سرخ مائل ہوتے ہیں۔ منڈہ گالا کا ایک پودا اکثر پورے باغ کا خرچہ پورا کردیتا ہے مگر اس کی دیکھ بھال آسان نہیں'۔
ماہ اگست کے اوائل میں یہاں کے باغات کے مالکان سمریٹ کی پیداوار حاصل کرکے اسے دو تین ہفتوں کے لیے باغوں میں ہی اسٹور کردیتے ہیں۔اس دوران اس کے اوپر پلاسٹک کے بڑے بڑے شیٹ اور گھاس پھوس ڈالا جاتا ہے۔ اس عمل کے بعد اس کی روایتی طور پر پیکنگ شروع ہوجاتی ہے۔ اگست کے آخری ہفتہ میں مینگورہ شہر میں قائم فروٹ منڈی میں گوالیری کا سیب موجود ہوتا ہے، جہاں پندرہ بیس روپے کلو کے عوض اسے مینگورہ شہر کے منڈی مالکان کے حوالے کیا جاتا ہے۔ وہاں سے اسے اندرون ملک قائم بڑی فروٹ منڈیوں میں بھیجا جاتا ہے۔ماہ اگست کے اوائل میں یہاں کے باغات کے مالکان سمریٹ کی پیداوار حاصل کرکے اسے دو تین ہفتوں کے لیے باغوں میں ہی اسٹور کردیتے ہیں۔اس دوران اس کے اوپر پلاسٹک کے بڑے بڑے شیٹ اور گھاس پھوس ڈالا جاتا ہے۔ اس عمل کے بعد اس کی روایتی طور پر پیکنگ شروع ہوجاتی ہے۔ اگست کے آخری ہفتہ میں مینگورہ شہر میں قائم فروٹ منڈی میں گوالیری کا سیب موجود ہوتا ہے، جہاں پندرہ بیس روپے کلو کے عوض اسے مینگورہ شہر کے منڈی مالکان کے حوالے کیا جاتا ہے۔ وہاں سے اسے اندرون ملک قائم بڑی فروٹ منڈیوں میں بھیجا جاتا ہے۔
بڑے شہروں میں پھلوں کو اسٹور کرنے کی سہولت موجود ہوتی ہے جہاں اسے ہفتوں اسٹور رکھا جاتا ہے۔ پھر جب مقامی طور پر سیب کی مارکیٹ میں مکمل قلت ہوجاتی ہے، یا پھر رمضان یا عید کے موقعوں پر درمیانے درجے کی سیب کی کم سے کم قیمت عام صارف کے لیے سو سے 120 روپے فی کلو مقرر کی جاتی ہے۔
اتنے بڑے فرق کو دیکھتے ہوئے گاؤں گوالیری کے رہائشی باچا زادہ شاکی نظر آتے ہیں۔ ان کے بقول 'آج بھی مینگورہ کی فروٹ منڈی میں گوالیری کے سیب کی وہی قیمت ہے جو 1985 میں فی کریٹ مقرر کی گئی تھی۔ تیس سال کے عرصہ میں دیگر ضروریات زندگی کی قیمتیں آسمان پر جاپہنچیں لیکن گوالیریٔ کا سیب اپنے دام نہ بڑھا سکا۔ متعلقہ حکام کو چاہیے کہ اس بارے میں سنجیدہ اقدامات اٹھائیں، تاکہ باغات کے مالکان اپنے باغوں کو مارکیٹوں اور کمرشل پلازوں میں تبدیل کرنے پر مجبور نہ ہوں'۔
گوالیری کی 95 فیصد زمین پر آج سے صرف دس سال پہلے سیب کے باغات اور چھوٹے بڑے کھیت دکھائی دیتے تھے، لیکن اب ایسا نہیں ہے۔ اب یہاں کے لوگ باغات اور کھیتی باڑی پر چھوٹی بڑی دکانوں، مارکیٹوں اور کمرشل پلازوں کی تعمیر کو ترجیح دیتے ہیں۔
اس حوالہ سے ایک غیر سرکاری ادارے سوات شرکتی کونسل کے شہریار کہتے ہیں کہ اب لوگوں کی ترجیحات باغات اور کھیتی باڑی نہیں رہیں اور اس کی بڑی وجہ باغات کے مالکان کو سال بھر کی محنت کی کمائی کا کم ملنا ہے۔ اگر یہاں کولڈ اسٹوریج سسٹم متعارف کرایا جائے، تو پھر یہاں کی زرعی زمین اور خاص کر سیب کے باغات کو لاحق خطرات کم ہوسکتے ہیں۔
شہریار کا مزید کہنا ہے کہ جیسے ہی گوالیری کا سیب ملک کی بڑی منڈیوں میں پہنچتا ہے، تو وہاں اسے اسٹور کر لیا جاتا ہے۔ بعد میں جب یہاں ہماری اور دوسرے علاقوں کی دیگر چھوٹی بڑی منڈیوں یا بازاروں میں مکمل طور پر سیب ختم ہوجاتا ہے، تو بڑی منڈی کے مالکان اسے منہ مانگے داموں فروخت کرنے کے لیے واپس چھوٹی منڈیوں اور بازاروں میں بھیج دیتے ہیں۔
ان کے بقول میری ذاتی رائے یہ ہے کہ ویسے بھی گاؤں گوالیری دو ندیوں کے سنگم پر واقع ہے، اگر یہاں سب سے پہلے مائیکرو ہائیڈرل پاورز (چھوٹے پن بجلی گھر) بنائے جائیں اور اس کے بعد کولڈ اسٹورج سسٹم متعارف کرایا جائے، تو نہ صرف اس سے یہاں کے باغوں کے مالکان کو فائدہ ہوگا بلکہ گاؤں گوالیری پھلوں کی پیداوار میں اضافہ بھی کرے گا۔ اس طرح یہاں پر ایسے پلانٹس بھی باآسانی لگائے جاسکتے ہیں جو پھلوں کا رس نکال کر جوس کمپنیوں کو بیچ سکتے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ مربہ، اچار اور ،مختلف جیم بنانے والے کارخانوں کو بھی یہی سیب سپلائی کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ یہ کام اتنے مشکل نہیں ہیں لیکن اس کے لیے یہاں کے باغوں کے مالکان میں تھوڑی سی آگاہی مہم چلانا ہوگی۔

تصاویر بشکریہ لکھاری: امجد علی سحاب

Friday, 15 May 2015

Neelum "Muzaffarabad to Kel" , AJK Pakistan (By: Mian Lucky)

Neelum valley is one of the beautiful places of Azad Kashmir and it’s named after the river which has curves like snake and has blue color. It is also called as the “PARADISE OF KASHMIR”. There is a contradiction that this valley was named after a precious stone called Neelum. Neelum Valley is located in the Kashmir Region and to the North & the North East of Muzaffarabad and running parallel to the Kaghan Valley. It is different from it by snowstorm covered mountain which are 4000 meters higher than the ocean level. It contains about 370 large and small villages. It mostly contains hills and mountains with great valleys. The valley has thick forest, streams and rivers. This valley is dipped in most amazing beauty and attracts lots of tourists from within the country and other foreign countries as well. The valley can be approached from two different points. One from Kaghan Valley and the other is Noori Top. Besides these two it has many minor passes as well.
The district of Neelum valley starts 43 km from Muzaffarabad. The area is also famous for its mineral mines from that particular locality mineral are being transported to other cities of Pakistan. In addition to that there is also LOC (LINE OF CONTROL) where relatives can cross the bridge and can meet their relatives on the other side of the bridge twice a month. There is a tourist seventeen century fort built by the town’s founder, a chief of the Chak tribe named Muzaffar Khan, to ward off the Mughal armies of Emperor Akbar.

This land also has many local fruits which are of great taste including Apples, Apricots, Walnuts and Plums which are famous. A large number of tourists visit it in summers. The whole valley gives fascinating and beautiful scenery. There is also a mountain “SARWALI” (6326 meters) which is one of the highest mountains in Azad Kashmir. The valley include lush green forests and high altitude lakes makes the surrounding heavenly and it is like a dream come true for the people who visit it. The snow capped mountains and the fast flowing Neelum river all make us believe that we are in some part of Switzerland. Many of the tourists who are interested in mountain tourism also come and enjoy here. The river is also famous for its fishing and it has Trout fish in abundance.
Some of its famous places like Shounter Pass, Chita Khata, Ratti Gali, Baboon, Noori Top, Sharda, Kel, Surgon and many more are mentioned by famous tourists like Mustansar Hussain Tararr etc. Tararr even wrote a travelogue on after visiting there. The three rivers present in this area are Jhelum, Neelum and Poonch.
The people of districts Kotli,Mirpur & Bhimber, are simple, truthful and deeply attached to their land. The culture of this area resembles to that of the adjoining area of Punjab. People here mostly follow the culture which quite resemble to that of Punjab.
While the district of Muzaffarabad has its own distinctive culture. The people are intelligent, hard working and are skillful. As it is the capital of AJK so it quite established and people here are educated and sophisticated when you compare with the other areas of the neelum valley.
Some of the important areas of the valley include:

Kutton and Jagran
It is situated in the lower part of Neelum valley, Jagran Nullah (stream) plays pivotal role in the formation of its landscape beauty and charm which reveals the richness of the area. For the convenience of tourists, AJK tourism Department has constructed a rest house here. A mega hydro electric project is installed here that produce electricity to the state. A long a beautiful series of Himalayas mountain starts from here to Kaghan, Skardu and Chillas.

This valley town is very unique in its beauty with respect to the other places we had yet visited, it is also significant as it marks the beginning of control line with Indian Held Kashmir in Neelum. It is named Athmuqam because it is 8th station from Muzaffarabad to upper valley. Most people are government employees, rest are in different fields.From here upwards emerges typical Kashmiri living pattern with houses built of wooden logs, most of them double storied.. Hiking tracks for surrounding mountains are traced by peoples and tourists.

Sharda is one of the most beautiful places with its lush green planes, smooth flowing river which freezes in sever cold season and serves as passage for people of both sides of the river. This place from the point of view of tourists is so attractive and they get their money’s worth when they spend a few days here. In Sharda one also finds ruins of an old place of learning. There are also ruins present there which might be interesting for people doing historical research there. Also there are signs of an old university and was the center of knowledge for the people of China, East and Central Asia.

It is also one of the attractive places of the valley neelum. One of the fact is the there is a long track goes towards Nanga Parbat. People can actually see this Nanga Parbat mountain from there and it is a beautiful sight for everyone who visit it.

Men of these valleys wear normal Shalwar Kameez and so does the women. The men mostly wear a weskit because in summers also the weather there is pleasant and cool and when we talk about winters the sweaters and the normal jackets comes into play. Women also wear the Shalwar Kameez and you won’t see a single lady wearing a tight jeans or t-shirt. Women of these valley like to cover their faces as well and mostly all of them wear a Burka or if not this than cover themselves with duppata and hence the

The official language which is spoken in this valley is Urdu because it can be understood by mostly anyone in the valley so that’s the sole reason for it. The local mix of people including Kashmiris speaks their own local languages Kashmiri or Pahari or Hindko. The few of the people living there also follow Punjabi and Pashto as well because some Punjabi’s and Pathan’s are also doing their business in the valley.

People of this valley make good handicrafts as well which include Carpet, Namda, Gubba. They are also famous for their Silk Woolen Clothing. People also make Woolen shawls. Besides all these they are also good at Wood Carving and in making Rugs

Local dishes
The area is famous for its dishes like Gushtaba. The Kashmiri people love this food and are their most favorite. People eat rice a lot. They don’t consider a lunch or a meal with not having rice. Tabak Maaz is also quite eaten in this valley and the preparation of which is considered an art and a point of pride in Kashmiri culture.
The valley is no doubt a great place to visit specially with friends and family and in that way can enjoy the beautiful places and the nature as well as can enjoy the local dishes and the fruits that can be found there. It can be a really good summer outing location where one can spend his vacations to relax and enjoy the wild thick forest and in that way being close to the nature.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Jhelum "The Land of Soldiers and Martyrs".

Jhelum is a city on the right bank of the Jhelum River, in the district of Jhelum. The north of Punjab province, Pakistan. Jhelum is known for providing a large number of soldiers to the British Army before independence. Now the brave people of this are serving Pakistan armed forces due to which it is also known as city of soldiers or land of martyrs and warriors. 

Jhelum is a few miles upstream from the site of the Battle of the Hydaspes between the Armies of Alexander of Macedonia and Raja Porus. A city called Bucephala was founded nearby to commemorate the death of Alexander's horse, Bucephalus. 

Other notable sites nearby include the 16th-century Rohtas Fort.

The Tilla Jogian complex of ancient temples, and the 16th-century Grand Trunk Road which passes through the city.

 According to the 1998 census of Pakistan, the population of Jhelum was 145,647 and in 2012 its population is 188,803. The Rajputs, Jats and Ahirs, who now hold the Salt Range and its northern plateau respectively, appear to have been the earliest inhabitants of Jhelum.

The name of the city is derived from the words Jal (pure water) and Ham (snow), as the river that flows through the river originates in the Himalayas. 

There are a number of industries in and around Jhelum city, including a tobacco factory, wood, marble, glass and flour mills.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Majestic Beauty of Neelum Valley, AJK Pakistan.

Neelam Valley:
Neelum Valley is located in Azad Kashmir Region. Neelum valley is a 144 km long bow-shaped deeply forested region in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Neelum Valley is situated at the North & North-East of Muzaffarabad, running parallel to Kaghan Valley. The two valleys are only separated by snow-covered peaks, some over 4000m above sea level.

“Keran” is situated on the bank of the river Neelum 1524 meters above sea level. It has some very picturesque scenery. The main attraction for this place is that India is visible on the other side of the river. There is also a small military bridge that connects the two divides, and one can see both Pakistani and Indian soldiers patrolling. Valley Trackers has a rest house built here as well. It is a very healthy place from environmental point of view.

"Athmuqam" is situated at a height of 1371m, it is the sub-divisional headquarters of the area. It is an attractive place known for its variety of fruit. All necessary facilities via bazaars, post offices, banks, hospitals, and telephone exchanges are present.

"Dowarian" is lush hilly village about 22 km away from Authmuqam. Ratti Gali Lake located at the border of Dawarian and Kaghan Valley. This village has very high literacy rate in all over the Neelam, which is about 80%. In Dowarian there is oldest Govt. school also located.

“Sharda” a breath-taking green spot at an altitude of 1981m. Shardi and Nardi are two mountain peaks overlooking the valley, reputedly named after legendary princess Sharda. It has a captivating landscape with numerous springs and hill-sides covered with trees. On the right bank, opposite Sharda, the Neelum is joined by the Surgan Nallah along which a track leads to Nurinar Pass and through it to the Kaghan Valley. Ruins of an old Buddhist University can also be found in Sharda.

“Kel” a small village situated at a height of 2097m. This is another picturesque place in the Neelum Valley. The Shounter Nallah joins river Neelum at this place and leads to Gilgit Agency (Northern Areas).

"Taobut" is one of the most beautiful point of Neelum valley, it is the end point of Pakistan, Excellent scenic beauty, panoramic views, towering hills on both sides of the noisy Neelum river, lush green forests, enchanting streams and attractive surroundings make the valley a dream come true.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Toli Peer, Rawalakot, AJK, Pakistan.

Toli Pir is a beautiful hilltop area situated in Tehsil Rawalakot in the Poonch District of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Its approximate height is about 8800 ft above sea level. It is about 30 km, or a 45-minute drive, from Rawalakot in Azad Kashmir. Abbaspur, Bagh and Poonch River can be seen from Toli Pir.

Toli Pir is the highest mountainous location in the northeastern area of Rawalakot. It is the point of origin of three different mountain ridges. The tourist rest house on the way to Toli Pir is also situated in a scenic location. There are some remains of an old mazar on the highest hilltop.

Toli Pir is most accessible during the summer months. The weather is generally pleasant but becomes colder from October through March. The area's natural beauty is at its peak from April to September.

It is always a great experience to visit Rawalakot and surroundings. Visit this place and enjoy every moment of a wonderful beauties of Kashmir :) 

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Romantic Banjosa Lake.

Banjosa Lake is an artificial lake and a tourist resort 20 kilometers away from the city of Rawalakot in District Poonch of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. 

 It is located at an altitude of 1,981 meters and 6,499 ft. The lake is surrounded by densely pine trees and mountains. It is very charming and romantic place. You surely will enjoy the visit of this place. If you visit this place try to stay for a night because here nights are something special.

It is coverd with snow in winter. The weather in this area remains cool in summers, and very cold and chilly in winter. Mostly in December and January snowfall occurs there and temperature falls to -5 °C.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Traveling Through Pakistan History and Present

Traveling through Pakistan has been stated from the start of our remembered history. People know Pakistan with its diverse cultures, people and landscapes. Beauty of its culture attracted 1 million tourists in 2012.
Pakistan was considered as the paradise for the tourists of world during the 1970s when the country received unprecedented amounts of foreign tourist. Credit goes to the Hippie trail and thanks to them. The hippie trail are the group of people who came from Europe and other parts of world in late 1950s to the 1970s. The hippie trail was a form of tourism, and it is one of the cheapest way of travelling. The main purpose was mainly to extend the length of time away from home.
Following is the map normally used by Hippie trail.

 The main destinations of choice for these tourists were Istanbul, Tehran, Herat, Kabul,then Khyber Pass, Peshawar, Swat, Rawalpindi, Lahore  and Karachi.

The main attraction for these tourists were ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization such as Swat's ancient places, Taxila, Mohenjo-daro, and Harappa, to the Himalayan hill stations, which attract those interested in winter sports and winter season. Pakistan is home to several mountain peaks over 7000 meters, which attracts adventurers and mountaineers from around the world, especially K2. Pakistan has 108 peaks above 7,000 meters and probably as many peaks above 6000 meters. There is no count of the peaks above 5000 and 4000 meters. Five of the 14 highest independent peaks in the world (the 8000 meters) are in Pakistan, four of which lie in the surroundings of Concordia; these are called Crossroads of Baltoro Glacier and Godwin Austen Glacier. Most of the highest peaks in Pakistan lie in the Karakoram mountain range which lies almost entirely in the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan, and is considered to be a part of the greater Himalayan range but some peaks above 7,000 meters are included in the Himalayan and Hindu Kush ranges.

Pakistan is home to the second highest mountain in the world, K2.

Here we also can see the confluence of three Ranges called Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalaya.

Beautiful north portion of Pakistan has many old fortresses, ancient architectures and the beautiful Hunza and Chitral valleys, There are no words for the beauty of Kalash valley also known as home to small pre-Islamic Animist Kalasha community. The romance of the historic KPK province is timeless and legendary.

Punjab is a province of its beauty and marvelous history. Punjab province has the site of Alexander's battle on the Jhelum River. It also have the historic city Lahore, Pakistan's cultural capital, with many examples of Mughal architecture like Badshahi Masjid, Shalimar Gardens, Tomb of Jahangir and the Lahore Fort. Before the 9/11 incident Pakistan was the country which receive more than 500,000 tourists every year. However, this number has now come down to near zero figures since that time. It is only because of the War against terrorism due to which Pakistan is suffering heavy losses in shape of instability in the country. Because of these circumstances most the countries are declaring Pakistan as unsafe and dangerous country to visit.

Sindh is one of the province of Pakistan and is known as the historical home to the Sindhi people and historic back ground. It is also locally known as the Mehran. The name "Sindh" is derived from as reference to the Indus River that passes almost through the middle of the entire province. This river was known to the ancient Iranians in Avestan as "Hindu", in Sanskrit as "Sindhu", to Assyrians (as early as the seventh century BC) as "Sinda", to the Persians as "Ab-e-sind", to the Greeks as "Indos", to the Romans as "Indus", to the Pashtuns as "Abasind", to the Arabs as "Al-Sind", to the Chinese as "Sintow", and to the Javanese as "Santri".
Sindh is bounded to the west by Balochistan, to the north by Punjab, to the east by the Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan and to the south by the Arabian Sea. The capital and largest city of the province is Karachi, which is also Pakistan's largest city. It is also known as the country's only financial hub. Most of the population in the province is Muslim, with sizable Hindu, Ahmadiyya, Christian, Parsi and Sikh minorities.

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of area. It consists of approximately 44% of the country's total land mass, and the smallest in terms of population. Surprisingly it has less than 5% of the country's population. Balochistan province is bordered by Afghanistan to the north and north-west, Iran to the south-west, the Arabian Sea to the south, Punjab and Sindh to the east, and KPK and Federally Administered Tribal Areas to the north-east.
Quetta is the capital and largest city of Balochistan. The main ethnic groups in the province are Baloch, Pashtuns and Brahuis, and there are relatively smaller communities of Iranian Baloch, Hazaras, Sindhis and other settlers, including Punjabis, Uzbeks, and Turkmens. In many regional languages the name Balochistan means "the land of the Baloch".

Azad Jammu and Kashmir abbreviated as AJK or Azad Kashmir "free Kashmir". It is an autonomous administrative territory of Pakistan. The territory is situated at west of the Indian-Occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Boarders of both sides are ceased to exist as a result of the first Kashmir war fought between India and Pakistan in 1947.
Azad Kashmir is part of the greater Kashmir region, which is the subject of a long-running conflict between India and Pakistan.

The Guardian released what it described as "The top five tourist sites in Pakistan" in order to promote the country's tourism industry. The five sites included Taxila, Lahore, The Karakoram Highway, Karimabad and Lake Saiful Muluk. 
In 2009, The World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report ranked Pakistan as one of the top 25% tourist destinations for its World Heritage sites.

We are hoping the Golden time of 70's again so that people from all over the world can enjoy the beautiful culture and marvelous places of Pakistan.